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actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class example.TestGui
apptTimeToCalendar(int) - Static method in class com.pff.PSTObject
apptTimeToUTC(int, PSTTimeZone) - Static method in class com.pff.PSTObject
ATTACHMENT_METHOD_BY_REFERENCE - Static variable in class com.pff.PSTAttachment
ATTACHMENT_METHOD_BY_REFERENCE_ONLY - Static variable in class com.pff.PSTAttachment
ATTACHMENT_METHOD_BY_REFERENCE_RESOLVE - Static variable in class com.pff.PSTAttachment
ATTACHMENT_METHOD_BY_VALUE - Static variable in class com.pff.PSTAttachment
ATTACHMENT_METHOD_EMBEDDED - Static variable in class com.pff.PSTAttachment
ATTACHMENT_METHOD_NONE - Static variable in class com.pff.PSTAttachment
ATTACHMENT_METHOD_OLE - Static variable in class com.pff.PSTAttachment
attachmentsPresent() - Method in class com.pff.PSTAppointmentException


bytesToHex(byte[]) - Static method in class com.pff.PSTGlobalObjectId


children - Variable in class com.pff.PSTObject
close() - Method in class com.pff.PSTByteFileContent
close() - Method in class com.pff.PSTFile
close() - Method in class com.pff.PSTFileContent
close() - Method in class com.pff.PSTRAFileContent
com.pff - package com.pff
content - Variable in class com.pff.PSTByteFileContent
convertBigEndianBytesToLong(byte[], int, int) - Static method in class com.pff.PSTObject
Utility function for converting big endian bytes into a usable java long
convertLittleEndianBytesToLong(byte[]) - Static method in class com.pff.PSTObject
Utility function for converting little endian bytes into a usable java long
convertLittleEndianBytesToLong(byte[], int, int) - Static method in class com.pff.PSTObject
Utility function for converting little endian bytes into a usable java long
createMenu() - Method in class example.TestGui


data - Variable in class com.pff.PSTObject
dataOffsetIndexIdentifier - Variable in class com.pff.DescriptorIndexNode
decode(byte[]) - Static method in class com.pff.LZFu
decode(byte[]) - Static method in class com.pff.PSTObject
decode a lump of data that has been encrypted with the compressible encryption
descriptorIdentifier - Variable in class com.pff.DescriptorIndexNode
DescriptorIndexNode - Class in com.pff
DescriptorIndexNode is a leaf item from the Descriptor index b-tree It is like a pointer to an element in the PST file, everything has one...
descriptorIndexNode - Variable in class com.pff.PSTObject
detectAndLoadPSTObject(PSTFile, long) - Static method in class com.pff.PSTObject
Detect and load a PST Object from a file with the specified descriptor index


embeddedMessagePresent() - Method in class com.pff.PSTAppointmentException
encode(byte[]) - Static method in class com.pff.PSTObject
ENCRYPTION_TYPE_COMPRESSIBLE - Static variable in class com.pff.PSTFile
ENCRYPTION_TYPE_NONE - Static variable in class com.pff.PSTFile
example - package example
extractLEFileOffset(long) - Method in class com.pff.PSTFile
Read a file offset from the file PST Files have this tendency to store file offsets (pointers) in 8 little endian bytes.


file - Variable in class com.pff.PSTRAFileContent
filetimeToDate(int, int) - Static method in class com.pff.PSTObject
Converts a Windows FILETIME into a Date.
finalize() - Method in class com.pff.PSTFile
destructor just closes the file handle...


getAcceptanceState() - Method in class com.pff.PSTTask
Delegation State
getAccount() - Method in class com.pff.PSTContact
Contact's Account name
getAcknowledgementMode() - Method in class com.pff.PSTMessage
Acknowledgment mode Integer 32-bit signed
getActionDate() - Method in class com.pff.PSTMessage
the date that this item had an action performed (eg.
getActionFlag() - Method in class com.pff.PSTMessage
Action flag This relates to the replying / forwarding of messages.
getAddressType() - Method in class com.pff.PSTDistList.OneOffEntry
getAddrType() - Method in class com.pff.PSTObject
Address type Known values are SMTP, EX (Exchange) and UNKNOWN
getAllAttendees() - Method in class com.pff.PSTAppointment
getAnniversary() - Method in class com.pff.PSTContact
(Wedding) Anniversary
getAppointmentCounterProposal() - Method in class com.pff.PSTAppointment
getAppointmentSequence() - Method in class com.pff.PSTAppointment
getAppointmentSequence(int) - Method in class com.pff.PSTAppointmentException
getAssistant() - Method in class com.pff.PSTContact
Assistant�s Name
getAssistantTelephoneNumber() - Method in class com.pff.PSTContact
Assistant Phone Number
getAssociateContentCount() - Method in class com.pff.PSTFolder
getAttachment(int) - Method in class com.pff.PSTMessage
get a specific attachment from this email.
getAttachmentContentDisposition() - Method in class com.pff.PSTAttachment
Attachment content disposition
getAttachMethod() - Method in class com.pff.PSTAttachment
Attachment method Integer 32-bit signed 0 => None (No attachment) 1 => By value 2 => By reference 3 => By reference resolve 4 => By reference only 5 => Embedded message 6 => OLE
getAttachNum() - Method in class com.pff.PSTAttachment
Attachment number
getAttachSize() - Method in class com.pff.PSTAttachment
Attachment size
getAttendeeCriticalChange() - Method in class com.pff.PSTAppointment
getAttrHidden() - Method in class com.pff.PSTMessage
Attribute hidden
getAttrReadonly() - Method in class com.pff.PSTMessage
Attribute read only
getAttrSystem() - Method in class com.pff.PSTMessage
Attribute system
getBias() - Method in class com.pff.PSTTimeZone
getBinaryItem(int) - Method in class com.pff.PSTObject
getBirthday() - Method in class com.pff.PSTContact
getBlockOffsets() - Method in class com.pff.PSTNodeInputStream
Get the offsets (block positions) used in the array
getBody() - Method in class com.pff.PSTMessage
Plain text e-mail body
getBodyHTML() - Method in class com.pff.PSTMessage
HTML e-mail body
getBodyPrefix() - Method in class com.pff.PSTMessage
getBooleanItem(int) - Method in class com.pff.PSTObject
getBooleanItem(int, boolean) - Method in class com.pff.PSTObject
getBusiness2TelephoneNumber() - Method in class com.pff.PSTContact
Contact's secondary office (business) phone number
getBusinessAddressCity() - Method in class com.pff.PSTContact
Business Address City
getBusinessAddressCountry() - Method in class com.pff.PSTContact
Business Address Country
getBusinessAddressStateOrProvince() - Method in class com.pff.PSTContact
Business Address State
getBusinessAddressStreet() - Method in class com.pff.PSTContact
Business Address Street
getBusinessFaxNumber() - Method in class com.pff.PSTContact
Contact's office (business) fax number
getBusinessHomePage() - Method in class com.pff.PSTContact
Business Home Page
getBusinessPoBox() - Method in class com.pff.PSTContact
Business PO Box
getBusinessPostalCode() - Method in class com.pff.PSTContact
Business Postal Code
getBusinessTelephoneNumber() - Method in class com.pff.PSTContact
Business/Office Telephone Number
getBusyStatus() - Method in class com.pff.PSTAppointment
getBusyStatus() - Method in class com.pff.PSTAppointmentException
getBytes() - Method in class com.pff.PSTByteFileContent
getCalendarType() - Method in class com.pff.PSTAppointmentRecurrence
getCallbackTelephoneNumber() - Method in class com.pff.PSTContact
Callback telephone number
getCarTelephoneNumber() - Method in class com.pff.PSTContact
Car Phone Number
getCCAttendees() - Method in class com.pff.PSTAppointment
getChildDescriptorNodes() - Method in class com.pff.PSTFolder
getChildren(int) - Method in class com.pff.PSTFolder
get some children from the folder This is implemented as a cursor of sorts, as there could be thousands and that is just too many to process at once.
getChildrensNames() - Method in class com.pff.PSTContact
Children's names
getCleanGlobalObjectId() - Method in class com.pff.PSTAppointment
getClientSubmitTime() - Method in class com.pff.PSTMessage
get the client submit time
getColor() - Method in class com.pff.PSTAppointment
getColorCategories() - Method in class com.pff.PSTMessage
get the categories defined for this message
getComment() - Method in class com.pff.PSTObject
getCompanyMainPhoneNumber() - Method in class com.pff.PSTContact
Company Main Phone
getCompanyName() - Method in class com.pff.PSTContact
Contact's company name
getComputerNetworkName() - Method in class com.pff.PSTContact
Computer Network Name
getConferenceServerAllowExternal() - Method in class com.pff.PSTAppointment
getConferenceServerPassword() - Method in class com.pff.PSTAppointment
getContainerClass() - Method in class com.pff.PSTFolder
getContainerFlags() - Method in class com.pff.PSTFolder
Container flags Integer 32-bit signed
getContentCount() - Method in class com.pff.PSTFolder
the number of emails in this folder this is as reported by the PST file, for a number calculated by the library use getEmailCount
getContentHandle() - Method in class com.pff.PSTFile
get the handle to the file content we are currently accessing
getContentId() - Method in class com.pff.PSTAttachment
Attachment Content ID
getConversationId() - Method in class com.pff.PSTMessage
getConversationIndex() - Method in class com.pff.PSTMessage
getConversationTopic() - Method in class com.pff.PSTMessage
Conversation topic This is basically the subject from which Fwd:, Re, etc.
getCreationTime() - Method in class com.pff.PSTAttachment
getCreationTime() - Method in class com.pff.PSTGlobalObjectId
getCreationTime() - Method in class com.pff.PSTObject
Creation time
getCreationTimeHigh() - Method in class com.pff.PSTGlobalObjectId
getCreationTimeLow() - Method in class com.pff.PSTGlobalObjectId
getCustomerId() - Method in class com.pff.PSTContact
Customer ID
getData() - Method in class com.pff.PSTGlobalObjectId
getDataSize() - Method in class com.pff.PSTGlobalObjectId
getDateItem(int) - Method in class com.pff.PSTObject
getDay() - Method in class com.pff.PSTGlobalObjectId
getDaylightBias() - Method in class com.pff.PSTTimeZone
getDaylightStart() - Method in class com.pff.PSTTimeZone
getDeleteAfterSubmit() - Method in class com.pff.PSTMessage
Delete after submit
getDeletedInstanceDates() - Method in class com.pff.PSTAppointmentRecurrence
getDeliveryTime() - Method in class com.pff.PSTConversationIndex
getDeltaCode() - Method in class com.pff.PSTConversationIndex.ResponseLevel
getDepartmentName() - Method in class com.pff.PSTContact
Contact's department name Used in contact item
getDescription() - Method in class com.pff.PSTAppointmentException
getDescriptorNode() - Method in class com.pff.PSTObject
get the descriptor node for this item this identifies the location of the node in the BTree and associated info
getDescriptorNodeId() - Method in class com.pff.PSTObject
get the descriptor identifier for this item can be used for loading objects through detectAndLoadPSTObject(PSTFile theFile, long descriptorIndex)
getDetails() - Method in class com.pff.PSTMessageStore
getDisableFullFidelity() - Method in class com.pff.PSTMessage
Disable full fidelity
getDisplayBCC() - Method in class com.pff.PSTMessage
Display BCC
getDisplayCC() - Method in class com.pff.PSTMessage
Display CC
getDisplayName() - Method in class com.pff.PSTDistList.OneOffEntry
getDisplayName() - Method in class com.pff.PSTMessageStore
get the message store display name
getDisplayName() - Method in class com.pff.PSTObject
get the display name
getDisplayName() - Method in class com.pff.PSTRecipient
getDisplayNamePrefix() - Method in class com.pff.PSTContact
Display Name Prefix (Contact Title)
getDisplayTo() - Method in class com.pff.PSTMessage
Display To
getDistributionListMembers() - Method in class com.pff.PSTDistList
Get an array of the members in this distribution list.
getDoubleItem(int) - Method in class com.pff.PSTObject
getDoubleItem(int, double) - Method in class com.pff.PSTObject
getDTStamp() - Method in class com.pff.PSTAppointmentException
getDuration() - Method in class com.pff.PSTAppointment
getEmail1AddressType() - Method in class com.pff.PSTContact
E-mail1 Address Type
getEmail1DisplayName() - Method in class com.pff.PSTContact
E-mail1 Display Name
getEmail1EmailAddress() - Method in class com.pff.PSTContact
E-mail1 Address
getEmail1EmailType() - Method in class com.pff.PSTContact
E-mail1 type
getEmail1OriginalDisplayName() - Method in class com.pff.PSTContact
E-mail1 Display Name
getEmail2AddressType() - Method in class com.pff.PSTContact
E-mail2 address type
getEmail2DisplayName() - Method in class com.pff.PSTContact
E-mail2 display name
getEmail2EmailAddress() - Method in class com.pff.PSTContact
E-mail2 e-mail address
getEmail2OriginalDisplayName() - Method in class com.pff.PSTContact
E-mail2 original display name
getEmail3AddressType() - Method in class com.pff.PSTContact
E-mail3 address type
getEmail3DisplayName() - Method in class com.pff.PSTContact
E-mail3 display name
getEmail3EmailAddress() - Method in class com.pff.PSTContact
E-mail3 e-mail address
getEmail3OriginalDisplayName() - Method in class com.pff.PSTContact
E-mail3 original display name
getEmailAddress() - Method in class com.pff.PSTDistList.OneOffEntry
getEmailAddress() - Method in class com.pff.PSTObject
E-mail address
getEmailAddress() - Method in class com.pff.PSTRecipient
getEmailAddressType() - Method in class com.pff.PSTRecipient
getEmailCount() - Method in class com.pff.PSTFolder
the number of emails in this folder this is the count of emails made by the library and will therefore should be more accurate than getContentCount
getEmbeddedMessage() - Method in class com.pff.PSTAppointmentException
getEmbeddedPSTMessage() - Method in class com.pff.PSTAttachment
getEncryptionType() - Method in class com.pff.PSTFile
get the type of encryption the file uses
getEndDate() - Method in class com.pff.PSTAppointmentRecurrence
getEndDateTime() - Method in class com.pff.PSTAppointmentException
getEndTime() - Method in class com.pff.PSTAppointment
getEndTimeOffset() - Method in class com.pff.PSTAppointmentRecurrence
getEndTimeZone() - Method in class com.pff.PSTAppointment
getEndType() - Method in class com.pff.PSTAppointmentRecurrence
getException(int) - Method in class com.pff.PSTAppointmentRecurrence
getExceptionCount() - Method in class com.pff.PSTAppointmentRecurrence
getFax1AddressType() - Method in class com.pff.PSTContact
Fax1 Address Type
getFax1EmailAddress() - Method in class com.pff.PSTContact
Fax1 Email Address
getFax1OriginalDisplayName() - Method in class com.pff.PSTContact
Fax1 Original Display Name
getFax2AddressType() - Method in class com.pff.PSTContact
Fax2 Address Type
getFax2EmailAddress() - Method in class com.pff.PSTContact
Fax2 Email Address
getFax2OriginalDisplayName() - Method in class com.pff.PSTContact
Fax2 Original Display Name
getFax3AddressType() - Method in class com.pff.PSTContact
Fax3 Address Type
getFax3EmailAddress() - Method in class com.pff.PSTContact
Fax3 Email Address
getFax3OriginalDisplayName() - Method in class com.pff.PSTContact
Fax3 Original Display Name
getFile() - Method in class com.pff.PSTRAFileContent
getFileHandle() - Method in class com.pff.PSTFile
get the handle to the RandomAccessFile we are currently accessing (if any)
getFileInputStream() - Method in class com.pff.PSTAttachment
getFilename() - Method in class com.pff.PSTAttachment
Attachment (short) filename ASCII or Unicode string
getFilePointer() - Method in class com.pff.PSTByteFileContent
getFilePointer() - Method in class com.pff.PSTFileContent
getFilePointer() - Method in class com.pff.PSTRAFileContent
getFilesize() - Method in class com.pff.PSTAttachment
getFileUnder() - Method in class com.pff.PSTContact
File under FTK: File as
getFirstDateTime() - Method in class com.pff.PSTAppointmentRecurrence
getFirstDOW() - Method in class com.pff.PSTAppointmentRecurrence
getFolderType() - Method in class com.pff.PSTFolder
getFreeBusyLocation() - Method in class com.pff.PSTContact
Free/Busy Location (URL)
getFtpSite() - Method in class com.pff.PSTContact
Ftp Site
getGeneration() - Method in class com.pff.PSTContact
Contact's generational abbreviation FTK: Name suffix
getGivenName() - Method in class com.pff.PSTContact
Contacts given name
getGlobalObjectId() - Method in class com.pff.PSTAppointment
getGovernmentIdNumber() - Method in class com.pff.PSTContact
Contacts Government ID Number
getGuid() - Method in class com.pff.PSTConversationIndex
getHobbies() - Method in class com.pff.PSTContact
getHome2TelephoneNumber() - Method in class com.pff.PSTContact
Home Phone 2
getHomeAddress() - Method in class com.pff.PSTContact
Home Address
getHomeAddressCity() - Method in class com.pff.PSTContact
Home Address City
getHomeAddressCountry() - Method in class com.pff.PSTContact
Home Address Country
getHomeAddressPostalCode() - Method in class com.pff.PSTContact
Home Address Postal Code
getHomeAddressPostOfficeBox() - Method in class com.pff.PSTContact
Home Address Post Office Box
getHomeAddressStateOrProvince() - Method in class com.pff.PSTContact
Home Address State or Province
getHomeAddressStreet() - Method in class com.pff.PSTContact
Home Address Street
getHomeFaxNumber() - Method in class com.pff.PSTContact
Contact's home fax number
getHomeTelephoneNumber() - Method in class com.pff.PSTContact
Home Telephone Number
getHtml() - Method in class com.pff.PSTContact
getIconIndex() - Method in class com.pff.PSTMessage
Icon index
getImportance(int) - Method in class com.pff.PSTAppointmentException
getImportance() - Method in class com.pff.PSTMessage
get the importance of the email
getInitials() - Method in class com.pff.PSTContact
Contacts initials
getInReplyToId() - Method in class com.pff.PSTMessage
getInstantMessagingAddress() - Method in class com.pff.PSTContact
IM Address
getInternetArticleNumber() - Method in class com.pff.PSTMessage
Internet article number
getInternetMessageId() - Method in class com.pff.PSTMessage
Message ID for this email as allocated per rfc2822
getIntItem(int) - Method in class com.pff.PSTObject
getIntItem(int, int) - Method in class com.pff.PSTObject
getIsdnNumber() - Method in class com.pff.PSTContact
ISDN Number
getItemsString() - Method in class com.pff.PSTObject
getKeyword() - Method in class com.pff.PSTContact
getLanguage() - Method in class com.pff.PSTContact
Contact's language
getLastModificationTime() - Method in class com.pff.PSTObject
Modification time
getLeafSize(long) - Method in class com.pff.PSTFile
getLocaleId() - Method in class com.pff.PSTAppointment
getLocation() - Method in class com.pff.PSTAppointment
getLocation() - Method in class com.pff.PSTAppointmentException
getLocation() - Method in class com.pff.PSTContact
Contact's location
getLocationBytes() - Method in class com.pff.PSTAppointmentException
getLogDuration() - Method in class com.pff.PSTActivity
getLogEnd() - Method in class com.pff.PSTActivity
getLogFlags() - Method in class com.pff.PSTActivity
getLogStart() - Method in class com.pff.PSTActivity
getLogType() - Method in class com.pff.PSTActivity
getLogTypeDesc() - Method in class com.pff.PSTActivity
Type Description
getLongFilename() - Method in class com.pff.PSTAttachment
Attachment long filename ASCII or Unicode string
getLongItem(int) - Method in class com.pff.PSTObject
getLongItem(int, long) - Method in class com.pff.PSTObject
getLongPathname() - Method in class com.pff.PSTAttachment
Attachment long pathname ASCII or Unicode string
getManagerName() - Method in class com.pff.PSTContact
Manager�s Name
getMeetingStatus() - Method in class com.pff.PSTAppointment
getMeetingType() - Method in class com.pff.PSTAppointmentException
getMessageCcMe() - Method in class com.pff.PSTMessage
My address in CC field Boolean
getMessageClass() - Method in class com.pff.PSTMessage
get the message class for the email
getMessageClass() - Method in class com.pff.PSTObject
getMessageDeliveryTime() - Method in class com.pff.PSTMessage
Message delivery time
getMessageRecipMe() - Method in class com.pff.PSTMessage
Indicates that the receiving mailbox owner is a primary or a carbon copy (Cc) recipient
getMessageSize() - Method in class com.pff.PSTMessage
Message size
getMessageStore() - Method in class com.pff.PSTFile
get the message store of the PST file.
getMessageToMe() - Method in class com.pff.PSTMessage
My address in To field Boolean
getMhsCommonName() - Method in class com.pff.PSTContact
MHS Common Name
getMiddleName() - Method in class com.pff.PSTContact
Middle Name
getMimeSequence() - Method in class com.pff.PSTAttachment
Attachment mime sequence
getMimeTag() - Method in class com.pff.PSTAttachment
Attachment mime type ASCII or Unicode string
getMobileTelephoneNumber() - Method in class com.pff.PSTContact
Mobile Phone Number
getModificationTime() - Method in class com.pff.PSTAttachment
getModifiedInstanceDates() - Method in class com.pff.PSTAppointmentRecurrence
getMonth() - Method in class com.pff.PSTGlobalObjectId
getName() - Method in class com.pff.PSTTimeZone
getNativeBodyType() - Method in class com.pff.PSTMessage
Message content properties
getNetMeetingAutostart() - Method in class com.pff.PSTAppointment
getNetMeetingDocumentPathName() - Method in class com.pff.PSTAppointment
getNetMeetingOrganizerAlias() - Method in class com.pff.PSTAppointment
getNetMeetingServer() - Method in class com.pff.PSTAppointment
getNetMeetingType() - Method in class com.pff.PSTAppointment
getNetShowURL() - Method in class com.pff.PSTAppointment
getNextChild() - Method in class com.pff.PSTFolder
Get the next child of this folder As there could be thousands of emails, we have these kind of cursor operations
getNextSendAcct() - Method in class com.pff.PSTMessage
getNickname() - Method in class com.pff.PSTContact
getNodeType() - Method in class com.pff.PSTObject
getNodeType(int) - Static method in class com.pff.PSTObject
getNote() - Method in class com.pff.PSTContact
getNumberOfAttachments() - Method in class com.pff.PSTMessage
get the number of attachments for this message
getNumberOfRecipients() - Method in class com.pff.PSTMessage
get the number of recipients for this message
getObjectType() - Method in class com.pff.PSTMessage
Object type
getOccurrenceCount() - Method in class com.pff.PSTAppointmentRecurrence
getOfficeLocation() - Method in class com.pff.PSTContact
Contact's office location
getOrganizationalIdNumber() - Method in class com.pff.PSTContact
Organizational identification number
getOriginalDisplayBcc() - Method in class com.pff.PSTMessage
Original display BCC ASCII or Unicode string
getOriginalDisplayCc() - Method in class com.pff.PSTMessage
Original display CC ASCII or Unicode string
getOriginalDisplayName() - Method in class com.pff.PSTContact
Original display name
getOriginalDisplayTo() - Method in class com.pff.PSTMessage
Original display TO ASCII or Unicode string
getOriginalSensitivity() - Method in class com.pff.PSTMessage
Original sensitivity Integer 32-bit signed the sensitivity of the message before being replied to or forwarded 0 = None 1 = Personal 2 = Private 3 = Company Confidential
getOriginalStartDate() - Method in class com.pff.PSTAppointmentException
getOriginalSubject() - Method in class com.pff.PSTMessage
Original subject ASCII or Unicode string
getOriginatorDeliveryReportRequested() - Method in class com.pff.PSTMessage
Originator delivery report requested set if the sender wants a delivery report from all recipients 0 = false 0 != true
getOtherAddress() - Method in class com.pff.PSTContact
Other Address
getOtherAddressCity() - Method in class com.pff.PSTContact
Other Address City
getOtherAddressCountry() - Method in class com.pff.PSTContact
Other Address Country
getOtherAddressPostalCode() - Method in class com.pff.PSTContact
Other Address Postal Code
getOtherAddressPostOfficeBox() - Method in class com.pff.PSTContact
Other Address Post Office box
getOtherAddressStateOrProvince() - Method in class com.pff.PSTContact
Other Address State
getOtherAddressStreet() - Method in class com.pff.PSTContact
Other Address Street
getOtherTelephoneNumber() - Method in class com.pff.PSTContact
Other Phone Number
getOwnerCriticalChange() - Method in class com.pff.PSTAppointment
getPagerTelephoneNumber() - Method in class com.pff.PSTContact
Pager Phone Number
getPathname() - Method in class com.pff.PSTAttachment
Attachment (short) pathname ASCII or Unicode string
getPatternSpecific() - Method in class com.pff.PSTAppointmentRecurrence
getPatternSpecificNth() - Method in class com.pff.PSTAppointmentRecurrence
getPatternType() - Method in class com.pff.PSTAppointmentRecurrence
getPercentComplete() - Method in class com.pff.PSTTask
Percent Complete Floating point double precision (64-bit)
getPeriod() - Method in class com.pff.PSTAppointmentRecurrence
getPersonalHomePage() - Method in class com.pff.PSTContact
Personal Home Page
getPidTagSentRepresentingSearchKey() - Method in class com.pff.PSTMessage
getPostalAddress() - Method in class com.pff.PSTContact
Default Postal Address
getPostalAddressId() - Method in class com.pff.PSTContact
Selected Mailing Address
getPostRssChannel() - Method in class com.pff.PSTRss
Channel GUID
getPostRssChannelLink() - Method in class com.pff.PSTRss
getPostRssItemGuid() - Method in class com.pff.PSTRss
getPostRssItemHash() - Method in class com.pff.PSTRss
Item hash Integer 32-bit signed
getPostRssItemLink() - Method in class com.pff.PSTRss
Item link
getPostRssItemXml() - Method in class com.pff.PSTRss
Item XML
getPostRssSubscription() - Method in class com.pff.PSTRss
getPreferredByName() - Method in class com.pff.PSTContact
Preferred By Name
getPrimaryFaxNumber() - Method in class com.pff.PSTContact
Primary Fax Number
getPrimarySendAccount() - Method in class com.pff.PSTMessage
getPrimaryTelephoneNumber() - Method in class com.pff.PSTContact
Primary Telephone
getPriority() - Method in class com.pff.PSTMessage
Priority Integer 32-bit signed -1 = NonUrgent 0 = Normal 1 = Urgent
getProfession() - Method in class com.pff.PSTContact
getPSTFile() - Method in class com.pff.PSTNodeInputStream
getPSTFileType() - Method in class com.pff.PSTFile
getRadioTelephoneNumber() - Method in class com.pff.PSTContact
Radio Phone Number
getRandom() - Method in class com.pff.PSTConversationIndex.ResponseLevel
getRcvdRepresentingAddrtype() - Method in class com.pff.PSTMessage
Received representing address type.
getRcvdRepresentingEmailAddress() - Method in class com.pff.PSTMessage
Received representing e-mail address
getRcvdRepresentingName() - Method in class com.pff.PSTMessage
Received representing name ASCII or Unicode string
getReadReceiptRequested() - Method in class com.pff.PSTMessage
Read Receipt Requested Boolean 0 = false 0 != true
getReceivedByAddress() - Method in class com.pff.PSTMessage
Received by email address
getReceivedByAddressType() - Method in class com.pff.PSTMessage
Received by address type Known values are SMTP, EX (Exchange) and UNKNOWN
getReceivedByName() - Method in class com.pff.PSTMessage
get received by name
getRecipient(int) - Method in class com.pff.PSTMessage
get a specific recipient from this email.
getRecipientFlags() - Method in class com.pff.PSTRecipient
getRecipientOrder() - Method in class com.pff.PSTRecipient
getRecipientReassignmentProhibited() - Method in class com.pff.PSTMessage
Recipient Reassignment Prohibited Boolean 0 = false 0 != true
getRecipientsString() - Method in class com.pff.PSTMessage
getRecipientType() - Method in class com.pff.PSTMessage
Recipient type Integer 32-bit signed 0x01 => To 0x02 =>CC
getRecipientType() - Method in class com.pff.PSTRecipient
getRecurFrequency() - Method in class com.pff.PSTAppointmentRecurrence
getRecurrenceBase() - Method in class com.pff.PSTAppointment
getRecurrencePattern() - Method in class com.pff.PSTAppointment
getRecurrenceStructure() - Method in class com.pff.PSTAppointment
getRecurrenceTimeZone() - Method in class com.pff.PSTAppointment
getRecurrenceType() - Method in class com.pff.PSTAppointment
getReminderDelta() - Method in class com.pff.PSTAppointmentException
getReminderDelta() - Method in class com.pff.PSTMessage
getReminderSet() - Method in class com.pff.PSTAppointmentException
getReminderSet() - Method in class com.pff.PSTMessage
Is a reminder set on this object?
getRenderingPosition() - Method in class com.pff.PSTAttachment
Attachment Position Integer 32-bit signed
getReplyRecipientNames() - Method in class com.pff.PSTMessage
Reply recipients names ASCII or Unicode string
getRequiredAttendees() - Method in class com.pff.PSTAppointment
getResponseLevels() - Method in class com.pff.PSTConversationIndex
getResponseRequested() - Method in class com.pff.PSTMessage
Response requested Boolean
getResponseStatus() - Method in class com.pff.PSTAppointment
getResponsibility() - Method in class com.pff.PSTMessage
getReturnPath() - Method in class com.pff.PSTMessage
Return Path
getRootFolder() - Method in class com.pff.PSTFile
get the root folder for the PST file.
getRTFBody() - Method in class com.pff.PSTMessage
getRTFSyncBodyCount() - Method in class com.pff.PSTMessage
RTF Sync Body character count
getRTFSyncBodyCRC() - Method in class com.pff.PSTMessage
RTF Sync Body CRC
getRTFSyncBodyTag() - Method in class com.pff.PSTMessage
RTF Sync body tag
getRTFSyncPrefixCount() - Method in class com.pff.PSTMessage
RTF whitespace prefix count
getRTFSyncTrailingCount() - Method in class com.pff.PSTMessage
RTF whitespace tailing count
getSendAsICAL() - Method in class com.pff.PSTAppointment
getSenderAddrtype() - Method in class com.pff.PSTMessage
Sender address type.
getSenderEmailAddress() - Method in class com.pff.PSTMessage
Sender e-mail address
getSenderEntryId() - Method in class com.pff.PSTMessage
getSenderName() - Method in class com.pff.PSTMessage
Sender name
getSensitivity() - Method in class com.pff.PSTMessage
Sensitivity Integer 32-bit signed sender's opinion of the sensitivity of an email 0 = None 1 = Personal 2 = Private 3 = Company Confidential
getSentRepresentingAddressType() - Method in class com.pff.PSTMessage
Sent representing address type Known values are SMTP, EX (Exchange) and UNKNOWN
getSentRepresentingAddrtype() - Method in class com.pff.PSTMessage
Sent representing address type ASCII or Unicode string Known values are SMTP, EX (Exchange) and UNKNOWN
getSentRepresentingEmailAddress() - Method in class com.pff.PSTMessage
Sent representing email address
getSentRepresentingName() - Method in class com.pff.PSTMessage
get sent representing name
getShowAsBusy() - Method in class com.pff.PSTAppointment
getSimpleTimeZone() - Method in class com.pff.PSTTimeZone
getSize() - Method in class com.pff.PSTAttachment
getSlidingFlag() - Method in class com.pff.PSTAppointmentRecurrence
getSMTPAddress() - Method in class com.pff.PSTContact
getSmtpAddress() - Method in class com.pff.PSTRecipient
getSpouseName() - Method in class com.pff.PSTContact
Spouse�s Name
getStandardBias() - Method in class com.pff.PSTTimeZone
getStandardStart() - Method in class com.pff.PSTTimeZone
getStart() - Method in class com.pff.PSTTimeZone
getStartDate() - Method in class com.pff.PSTAppointmentRecurrence
getStartDateTime() - Method in class com.pff.PSTAppointmentException
getStartTime() - Method in class com.pff.PSTAppointment
getStartTimeOffset() - Method in class com.pff.PSTAppointmentRecurrence
getStartTimeZone() - Method in class com.pff.PSTAppointment
getStringItem(int) - Method in class com.pff.PSTObject
getStringItem(int, int) - Method in class com.pff.PSTObject
getStringItem(int, int, String) - Method in class com.pff.PSTObject
getSubFolderCount() - Method in class com.pff.PSTFolder
the number of child folders in this folder
getSubFolders() - Method in class com.pff.PSTFolder
get all of the sub folders...
getSubject() - Method in class com.pff.PSTAppointmentException
getSubject() - Method in class com.pff.PSTMessage
get the subject
getSubjectBytes() - Method in class com.pff.PSTAppointmentException
getSubType() - Method in class com.pff.PSTAppointment
getSubType() - Method in class com.pff.PSTAppointmentException
getSurname() - Method in class com.pff.PSTContact
Contact's surname FTK: Last name
getTagRecordKeyAsUUID() - Method in class com.pff.PSTMessageStore
Get the tag record key, unique to this pst
getTaskActualEffort() - Method in class com.pff.PSTTask
Actual effort in minutes Integer 32-bit signed
getTaskAssigner() - Method in class com.pff.PSTTask
Delegator ASCII or Unicode string
getTaskDateCompleted() - Method in class com.pff.PSTTask
Date completed Filetime
getTaskDueDate() - Method in class com.pff.PSTMessage
Due date Filetime
getTaskEstimatedEffort() - Method in class com.pff.PSTTask
Total effort in minutes Integer 32-bit signed
getTaskLastUser() - Method in class com.pff.PSTTask
Unknown ASCII or Unicode string
getTaskOrdinal() - Method in class com.pff.PSTTask
Ordinal Integer 32-bit signed
getTaskOwner() - Method in class com.pff.PSTTask
Owner ASCII or Unicode string
getTaskOwnership() - Method in class com.pff.PSTTask
Ownership Integer 32-bit signed
getTaskRole() - Method in class com.pff.PSTTask
Role ASCII or Unicode string
getTaskStartDate() - Method in class com.pff.PSTMessage
Start date Filetime
getTaskStatus() - Method in class com.pff.PSTTask
Status Integer 32-bit signed 0x0 => Not started
getTaskVersion() - Method in class com.pff.PSTTask
Task version Integer 32-bit signed FTK: Access count
getTelexNumber() - Method in class com.pff.PSTContact
Telex Number
getTimeDelta() - Method in class com.pff.PSTConversationIndex.ResponseLevel
getTimezone() - Method in class com.pff.PSTAppointment
getTimeZone() - Method in class com.pff.PSTAppointmentRecurrence
getTimeZoneItem(int) - Method in class com.pff.PSTObject
getTitle() - Method in class com.pff.PSTContact
Contact's job title FTK: Profession
getToAttendees() - Method in class com.pff.PSTAppointment
getTransmittableDisplayName() - Method in class com.pff.PSTContact
Transmittable display name
getTransportMessageHeaders() - Method in class com.pff.PSTMessage
Transport message headers ASCII or Unicode string These contain the SMTP e-mail headers.
getTtytddPhoneNumber() - Method in class com.pff.PSTContact
getUnreadCount() - Method in class com.pff.PSTFolder
Amount of unread content items Integer 32-bit signed
getURLCompName() - Method in class com.pff.PSTMessage
URL computer name Contains the .eml file name
getURLCompNamePostfix() - Method in class com.pff.PSTMessage
URL computer name postfix
getWorkAddress() - Method in class com.pff.PSTContact
Business Address
getWorkAddressCity() - Method in class com.pff.PSTContact
Business Address Street
getWorkAddressCountry() - Method in class com.pff.PSTContact
Business Address Country
getWorkAddressPostalCode() - Method in class com.pff.PSTContact
Business Address Postal Code
getWorkAddressPostOfficeBox() - Method in class com.pff.PSTContact
Business Address Country
getWorkAddressState() - Method in class com.pff.PSTContact
Business Address State
getWorkAddressStreet() - Method in class com.pff.PSTContact
Business Address City
getYear() - Method in class com.pff.PSTGlobalObjectId
getYearHigh() - Method in class com.pff.PSTGlobalObjectId
getYearLow() - Method in class com.pff.PSTGlobalObjectId


hasAttachments() - Method in class com.pff.PSTMessage
hasForwarded() - Method in class com.pff.PSTMessage
is the action flag for this item "forward"?
hasReplied() - Method in class com.pff.PSTMessage
is the action flag for this item "replied"?
hasSubfolders() - Method in class com.pff.PSTFolder
does this folder have subfolders once again, read from the PST, use getSubFolderCount if you want to know what the library makes of it all
hexArray - Static variable in class com.pff.PSTGlobalObjectId


IMPORTANCE_HIGH - Static variable in class com.pff.PSTMessage
IMPORTANCE_LOW - Static variable in class com.pff.PSTMessage
IMPORTANCE_NORMAL - Static variable in class com.pff.PSTMessage
index - Variable in class com.pff.PSTByteFileContent
isAssociated() - Method in class com.pff.PSTMessage
isAttachmentInvisibleInHtml() - Method in class com.pff.PSTAttachment
Attachment not available in HTML
isAttachmentInvisibleInRTF() - Method in class com.pff.PSTAttachment
Attachment not available in RTF
isAttachmentMhtmlRef() - Method in class com.pff.PSTAttachment
Attachment is MHTML REF
isConversationIndexTracking() - Method in class com.pff.PSTMessage
isDocumentPosted() - Method in class com.pff.PSTActivity
isDocumentPrinted() - Method in class com.pff.PSTActivity
isDocumentRouted() - Method in class com.pff.PSTActivity
isDocumentSaved() - Method in class com.pff.PSTActivity
isEncrypted() - Method in class com.pff.PSTNodeInputStream
isEqual(PSTTimeZone) - Method in class com.pff.PSTTimeZone
isFlagged() - Method in class com.pff.PSTMessage
"flagged" items are actually emails with a due date.
isFromMe() - Method in class com.pff.PSTMessage
isNonReceiptNotificationRequested() - Method in class com.pff.PSTMessage
Non receipt notification requested
isOnlineMeeting() - Method in class com.pff.PSTAppointment
isOriginatorNonDeliveryReportRequested() - Method in class com.pff.PSTMessage
Originator non delivery report requested
isPasswordProtected() - Method in class com.pff.PSTMessageStore
Is this pst file is password protected.
isRead() - Method in class com.pff.PSTMessage
isRecurring() - Method in class com.pff.PSTAppointment
isReplyRequested() - Method in class com.pff.PSTMessage
Reply requested
isResent() - Method in class com.pff.PSTMessage
isRTFInSync() - Method in class com.pff.PSTMessage
Compressed RTF in Sync Boolean
isSilent() - Method in class com.pff.PSTAppointment
isSubmitted() - Method in class com.pff.PSTMessage
isTaskComplete() - Method in class com.pff.PSTTask
Complete Boolean
isTaskFRecurring() - Method in class com.pff.PSTTask
Is recurring Boolean
isTeamTask() - Method in class com.pff.PSTTask
Is team task Boolean
isUnmodified() - Method in class com.pff.PSTMessage
isUnsent() - Method in class com.pff.PSTMessage
isURLCompNameSet() - Method in class com.pff.PSTMessage
URL computer name set
items - Variable in class com.pff.PSTObject
itemType - Variable in class com.pff.DescriptorIndexNode


length() - Method in class com.pff.PSTNodeInputStream
localDescriptorItems - Variable in class com.pff.PSTObject
localDescriptorsOffsetIndexIdentifier - Variable in class com.pff.DescriptorIndexNode
LZFu - Class in com.pff
An implementation of the LZFu algorithm to decompress RTF content
LZFu() - Constructor for class com.pff.LZFu
LZFU_HEADER - Static variable in class com.pff.LZFu


main(String[]) - Static method in class example.Test
main(String[]) - Static method in class example.TestGui
MAPI_BCC - Static variable in class com.pff.PSTRecipient
MAPI_CC - Static variable in class com.pff.PSTRecipient
MAPI_TO - Static variable in class com.pff.PSTRecipient
markSupported() - Method in class com.pff.PSTNodeInputStream
moveChildCursorTo(int) - Method in class com.pff.PSTFolder
move the internal folder cursor to the desired position position 0 is before the first record.


NID_TYPE_ASSOC_CONTENTS_TABLE - Static variable in class com.pff.PSTObject
NID_TYPE_ASSOC_MESSAGE - Static variable in class com.pff.PSTObject
NID_TYPE_ATTACHMENT - Static variable in class com.pff.PSTObject
NID_TYPE_ATTACHMENT_TABLE - Static variable in class com.pff.PSTObject
NID_TYPE_CONTENTS_TABLE - Static variable in class com.pff.PSTObject
NID_TYPE_CONTENTS_TABLE_INDEX - Static variable in class com.pff.PSTObject
NID_TYPE_HID - Static variable in class com.pff.PSTObject
NID_TYPE_HIERARCHY_TABLE - Static variable in class com.pff.PSTObject
NID_TYPE_INTERNAL - Static variable in class com.pff.PSTObject
NID_TYPE_LTP - Static variable in class com.pff.PSTObject
NID_TYPE_NORMAL_FOLDER - Static variable in class com.pff.PSTObject
NID_TYPE_NORMAL_MESSAGE - Static variable in class com.pff.PSTObject
NID_TYPE_OUTGOING_QUEUE_TABLE - Static variable in class com.pff.PSTObject
NID_TYPE_RECEIVE_FOLDER_TABLE - Static variable in class com.pff.PSTObject
NID_TYPE_RECIPIENT_TABLE - Static variable in class com.pff.PSTObject
NID_TYPE_SEARCH_CONTENTS_TABLE - Static variable in class com.pff.PSTObject
NID_TYPE_SEARCH_CRITERIA_OBJECT - Static variable in class com.pff.PSTObject
NID_TYPE_SEARCH_FOLDER - Static variable in class com.pff.PSTObject
NID_TYPE_SEARCH_TABLE_INDEX - Static variable in class com.pff.PSTObject
NID_TYPE_SEARCH_UPDATE_QUEUE - Static variable in class com.pff.PSTObject


OneOffEntry() - Constructor for class com.pff.PSTDistList.OneOffEntry


parentDescriptorIndexIdentifier - Variable in class com.pff.DescriptorIndexNode
printDepth() - Method in class example.Test
printFormattedNumber(String, long) - Static method in class com.pff.PSTObject
Output a number in a variety of formats for easier consumption
printFormattedNumber(long) - Static method in class com.pff.PSTObject
printHexFormatted(byte[], boolean) - Static method in class com.pff.PSTObject
Output a dump of data in hex format in the order it was read in
printHexFormatted(byte[], boolean, int[]) - Static method in class com.pff.PSTObject
processFolder(PSTFolder) - Method in class example.Test
PS_INTERNET_HEADERS - Static variable in class com.pff.PSTFile
PS_MAPI - Static variable in class com.pff.PSTFile
PS_PUBLIC_STRINGS - Static variable in class com.pff.PSTFile
PSETID_Address - Static variable in class com.pff.PSTFile
PSETID_AirSync - Static variable in class com.pff.PSTFile
PSETID_Appointment - Static variable in class com.pff.PSTFile
PSETID_Common - Static variable in class com.pff.PSTFile
PSETID_Log - Static variable in class com.pff.PSTFile
PSETID_Meeting - Static variable in class com.pff.PSTFile
PSETID_Messaging - Static variable in class com.pff.PSTFile
PSETID_Note - Static variable in class com.pff.PSTFile
PSETID_PostRss - Static variable in class com.pff.PSTFile
PSETID_Sharing - Static variable in class com.pff.PSTFile
PSETID_Task - Static variable in class com.pff.PSTFile
PSETID_UnifiedMessaging - Static variable in class com.pff.PSTFile
PST_TYPE_2013_UNICODE - Static variable in class com.pff.PSTFile
PST_TYPE_ANSI - Static variable in class com.pff.PSTFile
PST_TYPE_ANSI_2 - Static variable in class com.pff.PSTFile
PST_TYPE_UNICODE - Static variable in class com.pff.PSTFile
PSTActivity - Class in com.pff
PSTActivity represents Journal entries
PSTActivity(PSTFile, DescriptorIndexNode) - Constructor for class com.pff.PSTActivity
PSTActivity(PSTFile, DescriptorIndexNode, PSTTableBC, HashMap<Integer, PSTDescriptorItem>) - Constructor for class com.pff.PSTActivity
PSTAppointment - Class in com.pff
PSTAppointment is for Calendar items
PSTAppointmentException - Class in com.pff
Class containing information on exceptions to a recurring appointment
PSTAppointmentRecurrence - Class in com.pff
Class containing recurrence information for a recurring appointment
PSTAppointmentRecurrence(byte[], PSTAppointment, PSTTimeZone) - Constructor for class com.pff.PSTAppointmentRecurrence
PSTAttachment - Class in com.pff
Class containing attachment information.
PSTByteFileContent - Class in com.pff
PSTByteFileContent(byte[]) - Constructor for class com.pff.PSTByteFileContent
PSTContact - Class in com.pff
Class for Contacts
PSTContact(PSTFile, DescriptorIndexNode) - Constructor for class com.pff.PSTContact
PSTContact(PSTFile, DescriptorIndexNode, PSTTableBC, HashMap<Integer, PSTDescriptorItem>) - Constructor for class com.pff.PSTContact
PSTConversationIndex - Class in com.pff
Class to hold decoded PidTagConversationIndex
PSTConversationIndex(byte[]) - Constructor for class com.pff.PSTConversationIndex
PSTConversationIndex.ResponseLevel - Class in com.pff
PSTDistList - Class in com.pff
PST DistList for extracting Addresses from Distribution lists.
PSTDistList.OneOffEntry - Class in com.pff
Inner class to represent distribution list one-off entries.
PSTException - Exception in com.pff
Simple exception for PST File related errors
PSTFile - Class in com.pff
PSTFile is the containing class that allows you to access items within a .pst file.
PSTFile(String) - Constructor for class com.pff.PSTFile
PSTFile(File) - Constructor for class com.pff.PSTFile
PSTFile(byte[]) - Constructor for class com.pff.PSTFile
PSTFile(PSTFileContent) - Constructor for class com.pff.PSTFile
pstFile - Variable in class com.pff.PSTObject
PSTFileContent - Class in com.pff
PSTFileContent() - Constructor for class com.pff.PSTFileContent
PSTFolder - Class in com.pff
Represents a folder in the PST File Allows you to access child folders or items.
PSTGlobalObjectId - Class in com.pff
Class to represent a decoded PidLidGlobalObjectId or PidLidCleanGlobalObjectId (for Meeting Exceptions) See [MS-OXOCAL], sections &
PSTGlobalObjectId(byte[]) - Constructor for class com.pff.PSTGlobalObjectId
PSTMessage - Class in com.pff
PST Message contains functions that are common across most MAPI objects.
PSTMessageStore - Class in com.pff
Object that represents the message store.
PSTNodeInputStream - Class in com.pff
this input stream basically "maps" an input stream on top of the random access file
PSTObject - Class in com.pff
PST Object is the root class of all PST Items.
PSTObject(PSTFile, DescriptorIndexNode) - Constructor for class com.pff.PSTObject
PSTObject(PSTFile, DescriptorIndexNode, PSTTableBC, HashMap<Integer, PSTDescriptorItem>) - Constructor for class com.pff.PSTObject
for pre-population
PSTRAFileContent - Class in com.pff
PSTRAFileContent(File) - Constructor for class com.pff.PSTRAFileContent
PSTRecipient - Class in com.pff
Class containing recipient information
PSTRss - Class in com.pff
Object that represents a RSS item
PSTRss(PSTFile, DescriptorIndexNode) - Constructor for class com.pff.PSTRss
PSTRss(PSTFile, DescriptorIndexNode, PSTTableBC, HashMap<Integer, PSTDescriptorItem>) - Constructor for class com.pff.PSTRss
PSTTask - Class in com.pff
Object that represents Task items
PSTTask(PSTFile, DescriptorIndexNode) - Constructor for class com.pff.PSTTask
PSTTask(PSTFile, DescriptorIndexNode, PSTTableBC, HashMap<Integer, PSTDescriptorItem>) - Constructor for class com.pff.PSTTask
PSTTimeZone - Class in com.pff
Class containing time zone information
PSTTimeZone.SYSTEMTIME - Class in com.pff


read() - Method in class com.pff.PSTByteFileContent
read(byte[]) - Method in class com.pff.PSTByteFileContent
read() - Method in class com.pff.PSTFileContent
read(byte[]) - Method in class com.pff.PSTFileContent
read() - Method in class com.pff.PSTNodeInputStream
read(byte[]) - Method in class com.pff.PSTNodeInputStream
Read a block from the input stream.
read(byte[], int, int) - Method in class com.pff.PSTNodeInputStream
read() - Method in class com.pff.PSTRAFileContent
read(byte[]) - Method in class com.pff.PSTRAFileContent
readByte() - Method in class com.pff.PSTByteFileContent
readByte() - Method in class com.pff.PSTFileContent
readByte() - Method in class com.pff.PSTRAFileContent
readCompletely(byte[]) - Method in class com.pff.PSTFileContent
readCompletely(byte[]) - Method in class com.pff.PSTNodeInputStream
Read a block from the input stream, ensuring buffer is completely filled.
RECIPIENT_TYPE_CC - Static variable in class com.pff.PSTMessage
RECIPIENT_TYPE_TO - Static variable in class com.pff.PSTMessage
ReferenceByteArrayID - Static variable in class com.pff.PSTGlobalObjectId
reset() - Method in class com.pff.PSTNodeInputStream
ResponseLevel(short, long, short) - Constructor for class com.pff.PSTConversationIndex.ResponseLevel


seek(long) - Method in class com.pff.PSTByteFileContent
seek(long) - Method in class com.pff.PSTFileContent
seek(long) - Method in class com.pff.PSTNodeInputStream
seek(long) - Method in class com.pff.PSTRAFileContent
seekAndReadLong(long, int) - Method in class com.pff.PSTNodeInputStream
setBytes(byte[]) - Method in class com.pff.PSTByteFileContent
setFile(RandomAccessFile) - Method in class com.pff.PSTRAFileContent


table - Variable in class com.pff.PSTObject
Test - Class in example
Test(String) - Constructor for class example.Test
TestGui - Class in example
TestGui() - Constructor for class example.TestGui
toString() - Method in class com.pff.DescriptorIndexNode
toString() - Method in class com.pff.PSTActivity
toString() - Method in class com.pff.PSTContact
toString() - Method in class com.pff.PSTConversationIndex
toString() - Method in class com.pff.PSTDistList.OneOffEntry
toString() - Method in class com.pff.PSTGlobalObjectId
toString() - Method in class com.pff.PSTMessage
string representation of this email
toString() - Method in class com.pff.PSTObject
toString() - Method in class com.pff.PSTRss
toString() - Method in class com.pff.PSTTask


utcTimeZone - Static variable in class com.pff.PSTTimeZone
A static copy of the UTC time zone, available for others to use


wDay - Variable in class com.pff.PSTTimeZone.SYSTEMTIME
wDayOfWeek - Variable in class com.pff.PSTTimeZone.SYSTEMTIME
wHour - Variable in class com.pff.PSTTimeZone.SYSTEMTIME
withOffset(Date) - Method in class com.pff.PSTConversationIndex.ResponseLevel
wMilliseconds - Variable in class com.pff.PSTTimeZone.SYSTEMTIME
wMinute - Variable in class com.pff.PSTTimeZone.SYSTEMTIME
wMonth - Variable in class com.pff.PSTTimeZone.SYSTEMTIME
wSecond - Variable in class com.pff.PSTTimeZone.SYSTEMTIME
wYear - Variable in class com.pff.PSTTimeZone.SYSTEMTIME
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